Sunday, July 17, 2011

A beautiful Sunday Afternoon with "Pappy"!

My husband grew up in a quaint little white house in a quiet valley in the farm town of Westminster, Carroll County, MD.  While many of the farms have made way for the "reverse progress" of shopping malls and cookie cutter housing developments, the little valley where he was raised stubbornly refuses to change...and looks much the same as it did when "Pappy" built the family home there  and settled with his late wife, Catherine and the six month-old baby boy whom I would one day marry. On  Sunday we spent the afternoon, as we often do, visiting with Pap and enjoying the refreshingly cool summer breezes under the tall, old trees that shade the house.

What fun I had photographing one of my absolute favorite places to be on a beautiful summer's day! I snapped shots of some of Paps flowers, his gardens, the beautiful landscape and one nearly three hundred year old tree that Pap told me I just couldn't miss capturing!

There were beans being prepped and canned for the winter, veggies to be pulled from the garden (Randy picked the veggies for our Sunday dinner while I documented our afternoon) and a quite a few laughs to go around. But more importantly, there was the joy of experiencing the unmistakable peace and calm that comes from sharing time with a much loved parent, who has given so much to his family, and who now can sit back and enjoy the true fruits of his labor...
And now, a few memories!

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